QUANG NAM FORESTRY COMPANY LIMITED was established and operates under the Business Registration Certificate issued by the Department of Planning and Investment of Quang Nam province for the first time on December 6, 2018 and most recently changed on March 29. 2023. With a team of dedicated management staff, qualified staff with thorough training and practical experience, a force of skilled and creative workers and copper construction machinery and equipment. department, we are capable of completing all jobs in our field.

With the motto "Quality and progress are the goals", we always value the quality of every product and service that the Company brings to customers and consider it a measure of the value of the business itself. Karma. We look forward to continuing to cooperate deeply with our customers for mutual development, contributing to building a prosperous and strong country.

Founding team

Founding team

  • Representative: Mr. Ho Van Ben - Director.

Core values

Core values

  • Honesty – Ethics – Prestige – Quality. Creative - effective working environment. The staff is united and friendly.



  • QUANG NAM FORESTRY COMPANY LIMITED is the top choice of businesses and individuals regionally and nationwide. Gradually becoming a leading domestic and export wooden furniture unit with a strong reputation, strong organization and strong brand.



  • We bring customers the most peace of mind, contributing to the success of businesses and individuals. Orient, train and create a friendly working environment for employees.